Prijon Beast
Prijon Beast
A high-volume and new-generation Creeker with a lot of rocker in the bow and a sliced down stern.
The flat hull and agressive rocker profile keep you sitting on top of the water and help you boof the biggest features on the river.
At 9 foot and with a very dry running platform you ensure high speed, to safely skip over retentive holes or to speed up through waves.
While the stern starts with a little extra volume behind the seat to enable you to paddle confidently downstream, it tapers down super thin at the tip of the hull, allowing you to slip the tail to ajust your line or play.
Medium paddlers up to approx. 80 kg can use it as full-featured creeker, while large paddlers are able to paddle the BEAST like a high volume riverrunner.
During the development we placed importance to the ergonomics of the seat and perfectly matched the seat angle with the position and alignment of the thigh braces and the leg angle. You gain from this effort in the new PR-X seat system in the BEAST.
The centerpiece is the superlight foam seat, weighing only 200g! It cushions hits, holds you in place, is super light and gives you unparraled feel for the hull engaging
The new PR-X foam seat system combined with our indestructible HTP-hull results in an unbeatable lightweight concept.
Maximum Control – Ultimate Grip: the freshly conceived, super robust handles are made of aircraft aluminum and anodized in magenta or cyan for a juicy finish! In cooperation with our team paddlers, the Prijon design team has created the best kayak handles you have ever felt. You perceive the locked-in-feeling immediately when grabbing handle, aided by the textured surface which gives you maximum grip during extreme action.